Thursday, March 20, 2008

obama the divider not the uniter, my reply the obamas speech

i saw a separatist black racist the other day blaming the woes of the black man on the whites in the usa.
Message to obama the asians dont need your help as they are scoring 1400 on the sats and being denied admission to colleges because less qualified blacks are being admitted with subpar grades and sat scores under quota affirmative action programs.
I saw a man who said hate speech no problem as what are a few racial and ethnic jewish slurs among racist friends, me and rev wright.
Then there was the nonsensical story re ashley baia and mustard relish sandwiches.I doubt seriously she survived solely on that for a year.
as a white guy and someone who sees hussein obama for the phony he is, fool me shame on you,fool me twice shameon me.
the black flim flams rhetoric doesnt match his deeds and if the democratic party is foolish enough to nominate someone who spent 20 years endorsing hate speech then the next usa president will be john mccain. doug collin hallandale fla

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